What is a FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

Generally, the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce typically occurs when there is a validation rule on a field, and the data being inserted or updated doesn’t meet the validation criteria. This exception is specific to custom validation rules defined on fields.

Under what circumstances does FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error occur?

This error occurs when the data being processed violates a custom validation rule on a field.

Example 1 :

Imagine you’ve set up an automatic process (a flow) to handle changes in the Lead records in Salesforce. Now, you decide to update 1,000 leads using Data Loader. If, during this update, there’s an issue with a single lead, maybe it doesn’t meet certain rules or requirements set by you (Validation Rule/Required Fields/Apex Trigger), the entire update for all 1,000 leads will fail, and you’ll see an error called FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION. This means one problem in one record can stop the whole batch update.

Example 2 :

Consider a custom object “Custom_Object__c” with a validation rule that requires the “Amount” field to be greater than zero. If a user attempts to insert a record with an Amount of zero, a FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error will be thrown.

Explain the steps you would take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

Let’s say a user encounters a FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error while trying to insert a record, Here is some of solution :

  1. Review Validation Rules:
    • Examine the validation rules defined on the object to identify the specific rule causing the error. Navigate to Setup > Object Manager > Object > Validation Rules.
  2. Inspect Trigger Logic:
    • If triggers are in place, review the trigger logic to ensure it aligns with the intended validation criteria. Triggers may enforce additional business logic beyond validation rules.
  3. Check Record Data:
    • Inspect the data being inserted or updated to identify which field is triggering the validation exception. Ensure that the data meets the criteria specified in the validation rule.
  4. Modify Data or Validation Rule:
    • If the data doesn’t meet the validation criteria, update the data accordingly. Alternatively, modify the validation rule if the existing criteria are too restrictive.
  5. Use System.debug Statements:
    • Insert System.debug statements in the trigger or relevant code to log information about the record being processed. This can assist in identifying the cause of the validation failure.

Scenario based common issues related to FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION

1. Is it possible to intentionally trigger a FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error from Apex code?

Yes, this same error can intentionally trigger when we are using Apex validations with the .addError() method. Example : MyObject__c.MyField__c.addError('message');

2. What does the Salesforce error message “FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION – field must be populated with a value” mean?

This error message indicates that a field must have a value populated in it based on a field validation rule. The error occurs when attempting to update a record and the specified field is left blank.

3. Why am I encountering the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

The error occurs when a field validation rule requires a value in a field, but the field is left blank during record update. It can also happen when using Apex validations with the .addError() method.

4. What causes the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce deployments?

The error is caused by validation rules that enforce data integrity or business logic. If a field is required and not provided with a value, the error will occur during deployment.

5. How can I fix the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

To fix the error, ensure that the field in question is populated with a value that satisfies the validation rule. Check for any triggers that may prevent writing to the destination field and make sure you have the necessary permissions to access the field.

6. What should I check if I see the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce even though I don’t have any custom validation or .addError() methods?

If you don’t have custom validation or .addError() methods, check if a managed package installed in your org is triggering custom Apex validations or UI-level validations. These packages may have their own validation rules causing the error.

7. Are there any permissions or triggers that could be causing the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to access the field in the source org. Also, verify if any triggers are preventing writing in the destination field. Triggers are usually disabled as a best practice to avoid conflicts.

8. Could a managed package be triggering the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce? How can I identify and address this?

Yes, a managed package installed in your org could be firing custom Apex validations or UI-level validations. To identify the specific package causing the error, review the installed packages and their associated validation rules. Contact the package provider for assistance in addressing the issue.

9. Are there any best practices to prevent the occurrence of the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

It is recommended to thoroughly test and validate data input to ensure all required fields are populated. Additionally, consider disabling triggers during certain operations to prevent conflicts with validation rules.

10. How can I troubleshoot and resolve the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error during Salesforce deployments?

Review the specific field validation rules causing the error and ensure that the required fields have values. Analyze any triggers or Apex code that may interact with the fields involved. Check if any managed packages are causing the error and reach out to their providers for guidance.

11. Are there any known issues or common scenarios that lead to the FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION error in Salesforce?

Common scenarios include missing or incorrectly configured validation rules, incomplete data entry, or conflicts between triggers and validation rules. It’s important to review and address these potential issues to prevent the error from occurring.






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